Requiem for the Day

I’m laying here in the shadow of the night, hiding in the comfort of the darkness and silence.

It’s easier to be here.

The pace is slow, the place is quiet but my thoughts are loud.

Our humanness is so apparent at night, the need for sleep, for rest, for comfort and for care.

We all slow down.

Rest, Rejuvenate, Revive!

A simple concept of what should be let go and live, but it can be so easily disturbed if our ritual routine falls short; if we grasp tightly to today’s end and drag it through tomorrow: we end up in a pattern of RELIVE and not REVIVE.

There’s a sick peculiarity to me in how REVIVE and RELIVE sound and resemble each other so similarly but have such drastically different outcomes.

Revive: “to return to consciousness or life: become active or flourishing”

Relive: “to experience again; as an emotion”

—>We must Release the Requiem of the day and allow ourselves to be born anew tomorrow.<—

Be thankful for the tasks, challenges, and blissful or dull moments of the day that came, but then clean the slate for tomorrow…


So simple.

Today has come and gone regardless of the recognition.

We can choose to be lost in the perpetual cycle if we do not release.

So close your eyes and believe brand new. ✨🔥❤️

Revive or Relive

Requiem: “an act of remembrance; a prayer for the repose of the soul of someone who has died”

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