Pivotal Polarization

I am not my shadow

I am not my light

Each essence is equally my teacher in their dualistic, guiding ways which both point me back home.

If I falsely over-identify or un-identify with either counter part, I am polarizing my very being

I AM ☯️

Along my journey I will cycle endlessly between times in life where my shadow trails behind me, almost forgotten because light is leading me head on, my face towards the sun. The comfort here feels safe and warm.

But my shadow embarks on this journey with me, awaiting the laws of nature, where the sun will fall behind my back and my shadow self will lay front and center. The image growing right out from my feet that are grounded to the earth.

This image of myself cast in front of me, embodied darkness.

I could stand still in my tracks, frozen, fearful of her, or turn to run away, but I know that for me to live boldly in my light, I must be able to move with her, not against her. She has lessons and depth that light could never teach me. She is the gate keeper. Avoidance or change of course would only mean running from the only path that will lead me home.


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